Dear Doubletree: You’re kidding, right?

I don’t have any real complaints about the Doubletree Metropolitan (in Manhattan on the east side near the UN) except this:


“We hope you are enjoying the options of this basket. The items can be picked up and viewed for 20 seconds before being automatically charged to your guest room folio. If you need to move the basket, please do so carefully as the shifting of items may cause inaccuracies or charge on your folio.

Thank you and enjoy!”

Thank you, indeed!

12 thoughts on “Dear Doubletree: You’re kidding, right?”

  1. Is there an electronic sensor in the basket? Is there a spycam in the room? What if you put another item of similar size and weight in the basket to replace the bag of nuts you withdraw?

  2. This is a bit much. I wonder how many bogus charges they have to make in order to recoup what they paid some consultant to come up with this idea.

  3. What is this world coming to? That is so ridiculous. Seems to me this would cause a lot of mad people. You just know some people have been charged for bumping into the basket. Seems like a crappy system, but I imagine they did this to somehow deter theft(what do you mean? there wasn’t any booze in my room when i got there). Leave that crap out of my room(I’m sure it’s overpriced anyways), I’ll go to the store nearby instead.

  4. Ha… been there done that. They have that at some of the resort hotels in Las Vegas. The maid actually tipped one of the items over but the center of gravity was such that the weight change was not enough to set off the payment… but I agree that it is ridiculous… what happens if the maid did knock something over… do you get charged for that as well?

  5. I hate when hotels do this. I stayed at a resort in Las Vegas that had a similar setup. I picked something up off of a tray and put it back. I had it in my hand too long and it was charged to our room even though I didn’t use it. When I found out it was charged to our room I went to take it and actually use it. After I did that the resort charged me TWICE!!!!!!!!! Anyway enough ranting. My advice to all of you………… DO NOT touch anything of this sort.

  6. I think I would Superglue their crappy “items” into the basket and Superglue the basket on to the counter top.

  7. I personally believe this would be kinda fun
    *strokes sides of face*
    *turns head to look around the side*
    *empties some sand out of the bag*
    *switches quickly!!!*
    *gets chased by giant boulder*

    Ace XD

  8. This happened to be when I stayed in Scotland over the summer! The fridge had a weight sensor system that could tell if you took out a bottle of water, booze, red bull or even some of the candy bars they kept on the side of the door. The worst part: there was absolutely NO room in the fridge to put anything else! If you wanted to store a bottle of water you filled up in the lobby, then you would have to pay to remove another one from your own fridge!

  9. If I found this in a hotel room, I would check out immediately. Any establishment that would do that has probably found other, more subtle, ways of cheating you.

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