Steve Olechowski of FeedBurner talks RSS

My notes from the Feedburner talk (given by Steve Olechowski) aren’t exhaustive like some of my other notes, they are limited to the things that I found interesting:


10-15% of videocast/podcast are video

interesting things going on with feeds, lots of growth… 20M subscribers, 500k feeds under management by Feedburner

consumer device can really drive things — iTunes with podcasting set off feedburner managed podcast and videocast managed feeds

more text in my feed = more total traffic

feeds are a place unto themselves

there are over 3000 RSS clients out there (!)


My Yahoo leads by a large margin as far as number of subscribers (more than 50%) –> Yahoo has done a fantastic job of making RSS a behind the scenes thing. But the tracking here isn’t completely reliable (Google and ____ don’t do things in a way that they can reliably tracked)


RSS is being read on mobile
– 2900 distinct user agents from Nokia, SE and Motorola
– Top 10
– Nokia podcasting client
– Sony Ericsson
– ” ”
– ” ”
– ” ”
– Nokia Onskreen Fusion
– Sony Ericsson
– Nokia 6630
– Nokia N70
– Nokia 6682

Publishers ARE making money with RSS (there were some interesting slides here like how many ad impressions they are generated, I believe they were in the triple sigit millions per month — like maybe last month was something like 146,000,000 impressions)