How to hire tech talent in Houston

I’m often asked you hire tech talent in Houston. Most recently my friend Krish, the founder of rapidly growing ethical jewelry maker, Doamore, asked me the question. So decided to write a quick blog post.

Short answer is… there’s is no short answer. You have to grind it out!

Probably the first step is to have a great story to tell– ie a great business thesis and a story on why you’re the one to make it happen. And then things that are a plus:

– built product or prototype
– actual users
– actual revenue

After that, some of the places to show up and tell your story and recruit:

– Station Houston has a quarterly startups gigs event. (Next one is Feb 19, 2019)
– Startup Career Fair is held once a year at TMCx – (next one is really soon – February 4th)
– Get on the roster to present at Station Houston’s monthly demo day – they usually pack the house and it’s a great place to tell your story and spread the word to potential technical recruits (I know one founder, John Kennedy, who met his partner, John Ruff, at this demo day– Mesa,

List your job postings: (this is a site created by the Houston Exponential Talent committee)
Houston Digital Jobs group on Facebook (has about 7000+ members)
Rice University has two big career fairs each academic year, one in the fall, one in the spring (which is this Friday, February 1st, 2019)

I’ll try and keep adding to this. If something’s worked well for you, post it in the comments here and I’ll add it.

One thought on “How to hire tech talent in Houston”

  1. I’ve had really good luck recruiting tech talent from Mexico and bringing them in on TN Visas when/if they want to relocate to the US. Two Codeup instructors came via that and three Dura devs so far.

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