Turn your ordinary wallet into an e-wallet

One day, our wallets will be digital (or maybe our wallets will be replaced by our “smart phones”… I tend to think the former is more likely), but until then, this is a great tip:

Buy a little, thin USB flash drive and keep it in your wallet’s change pocket. This way, since everyone almost always carries their wallet with the, you’ll always have a little bit of storage with you. I keep frequently used software on mine (Firefox, Picasa for the Mac and Windows, Chrome, Synergy, etc) and I use it to move data around.

One thing to watch out for, with this thing being so small, is it’s easy to forget it in someone else’s USB port!

Personally, I carry the Sony Micro Vault in my wallet (but I don’t think I paid $50 for it!), but I think a lot of manufacturers have the same type of flash drive.

Really thin USB flash drive (this one, made by Sony)
Really thin USB flash drive (this one, made by Sony)
Just stick the thin USB flash drive in the change pocket of your wallet
Just stick the thin USB flash drive in the change pocket of your wallet

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