What can and will be

My wife, Shonali, is insane with dates.

If she meets you and you mention your birth date or anniversary to her, she will comfortably remember it 10 years later. Shonali and I celebrate not only the anniversary of our engagement AND the anniversary of our wedding but ALSO the anniversary of the first time that we met and I’ve always attributed this tradition to Shonali being insane with dates.

“Remember dates, will celebrate.”

But I was reflecting on our tradition of celebrating the first time that we met and I think its importance transcends the weird wiring of my wife’s brain.

When you meet someone important for the first time, that moment of first meeting is filled with unlimited possibility. In that moment, your relationship is unfettered by any past or present history and entirely comprised of what-can-and-will-be.

We should all be so lucky as to travel long roads together… that are marked by recurring renewal of possibility.

Happy anniversary Shonali.

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