On the way back from the airport after picking up my niece, nephew and sister, we passed a CVS near my house. The digital marquis outside the store was advertising a disposable video camera on their digital marquis. A disposable video camera?!
So when Anu, my sister, was in Monroe on Wednesday she picked one up to try it out and take some video of their new house (they are in the process of moving from Denver, CO to Monroe, LA). Anu got back to Houston today and I’m checking the thing out and it’s AWESOME. What a great product.
* 20 minutes of video
* little unit that fits comfortably in one hand
* nice full color LCD that serves as the viewfinder
* only four buttons on the thing — on/off, playback (you can playback the last clip you recorded), a record button and a delete button (presumably, you can delete the last clip).
* you return the thing to CVS and they give you a DVD with the video on it, presumably with chapter points at the beginning of each segment.
* I think the cost of “processing” and the DVD is included in the $29.99
Anu just handed the thing to me and asked me to finish off the last 10 minutes of video for her and I love this product, I can think of all kinds of uses for it. It’s only a matter of time before these things are all over weddings, being used in businesses for field visits and more.
Hey pt, how long before you hack one of these?? The LCD on this thing is great. I’m sure you can think of all kinds of cool uses for it.
Update: I’m behind the curve. Someone’s already hacked this thing.